Plataforma Rede UMP

by União das Misericórdias Portuguesas



The União das Misericórdias Portuguesas (UMP) was created in 1976 to guide, coordinate, streamline and represent the Santas Casas de Misericórdia, defending their interests and organizing services of common interest.As a social economy entity, it has guided its action by dialogue not only with the Misericórdias, but also with various institutional partners and, throughout its existence, it has been able to anticipate various social problems, proposing, in this sense, appropriate and effective solutions.The structure of the UMP is composed of the National Secretariat, General Assembly, National Council, Fiscal Council and Regional Secretariats. The latter aim to privilege close and permanent dialogue with the Santas Casas.On October 25, 2014, the Misericórdias, gathered in an extraordinary general assembly in Fatima, approved new statutes for the UMP. The proposed change stemmed from the need to modernize the original 1976 statutes, thus enabling better UMP support to its associates.The UMP also represents the interests of the Misericórdias in various forums such as the Economic and Social Council, the National Council for the Social Economy, the Permanent Commission for the Solidarity Sector, the António Sérgio Cooperative for the Social Economy, the Portuguese Confederation of Social Economy, among others.In a logic of partnership and internationalization, the UMP integrates structures such as the European Union of Mercies (there are Santas Casas in France, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Ukraine etc.) and the International Confederation of Mercies (among other countries, highlighting Brazil where they are more than 2000 the Santas Casas).To support the Misericórdias, the UMP has several Service Lines that accompany directors and technicians from Santas Casas in areas that are decisive for the institutions activity. In addition, UMP manages equipment in areas such as profound disability, seniors and health.